Tuesday Dec 19, 2023

Unearthed: The impact of geopolitics on gold ft. Tina Fordham, Fordham Global Foresight

[5:19] Is there a shift in central banks being net buyers and does it signal more than diversification in regards to a political and global perspective?

[8:19] John elaborates on gold’s performance and its reaction in value during geopolitical events.

[11:33] Joe asks Tina if the conflict in the Middle East is a function of US markets continuing to be spread thin and how she assesses it.

[15:08] Can the election in 2024 have a substantial impact on the geopolitical landscape and when does that start to be priced in?

[22:27] Is there something specific we should be watching in China? 

Additional Resources:

Tina Fordham LinkedIn

Fordham Global Foresight Website 

Notable Quotes:
“We have a real disconnect at the moment between investor perception of how geopolitical risk registers based on past experience and the present environment, where those stabilizers and buffers are less present and less able to fulfill the traditional masking function.” -Tina Fordham

“I think the risk of this conflict escalating is not priced in and it is something that I think is going to stay on the watchlist heading into 2024.” -Tina Fordham

“In general my experience is that naturally there is a tendency for gold to get bought when you get a sudden unexpected pickup in geopolitical tensions like for example the russian invasion of Ukraine last year and similarly with the events that are transpiring in israel and now into Gaza.” -John Reade

“This war is breaking social media and impacting the global left in ways that could influence election outcomes.” -Tina Fordham


“China wants to change institutions or create new parallel institutions to challenge US hegemony.” -Tina Fordham

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